getting real. sorta.

subjects from boys to men
July 11, 2010, 12:20 am
Filed under: the east coaster

BEING A SINGLE GIRL IN A TOWN where most of them are married with three children by the time they’re my age, I get asked out much, much, much more than I ever have before, and I think that is also something to do with living in a big-time military town.

Needless to say, there’s been some good, bad and ugly. A lot of ugly.

I don’t think I’m going to meet the man of my dreams here, and I’m definitely by no means whatsoever at all even remotely interested in finding someone right now, I’ve been presented with the idea of a few … prospects.

With these various “gentlemen,” I feel as if I am merely trying them on (to steal a term from SATC). Don’t get me wrong, there are some very nice young men, and old ones. Although the old ones are probably much less gentlemanly than the younger ones. Unless they’re REALLY old, then they’re perfect gentlemen.

It also doesn’t help that a British ship was in port. I hear that may happen again off an on until the end of the summer. Accents tend to make men much more attractive, although I’m not really sure why.

And then you have the work crushes, of course. These are, for the most part, pretty harmless and can just lead to my dressing more deliberately on the chance that I might see one of them. Tee hee. Ask me for details if you want them. I am definitely not going to post those here ;).

Some are mere blips on my relationship radar, others annoying pings. All I know is when I’m done with this internship, the only thing I would allow to keep me here is a job with the Pilot. Otherwise, see ya later, homeboy(s).

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