getting real. sorta.

the end of the intern
September 8, 2010, 7:23 pm
Filed under: the girl growing up, the underling

WELL, IT’S OFFICIAL. I’M GOING TO HAVE TO CHANGE THE NAME of this blog if i wish to continue it as i will no longer be an intern after sept. 17. however, i won’t be finished working at the pilot. come oct. 6, i will be a full-time designer at the virginian-pilot!

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through a lens
August 21, 2010, 3:24 am
Filed under: the east coaster, the girl growing up, the underling

I KNOW I’M A FEW WEEKS AWAY FROM BEING DONE with this fabulous experience i’ve had as an intern, but i wrote this as part of one one my papers. most of you are probably very aware of which papers i’m talking about here. so i’m sharing it with all of you so you can get into a little more of what i experienced with this internship.

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the end comes with cake
August 21, 2010, 3:08 am
Filed under: the underling

SO APPARENTLY SUMMER IS WINDING DOWN. i know this is somewhat true based on the fact that i no longer feel like i’m getting scorched when i walk to and from my vehicle and also becuase i feel sick on the amount of cake i’ve consumed in the last few weeks as the other interns start to drop off like flies. dead ones. but hopefully not ones that land in the cake.

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getting in trouble. oops.
July 19, 2010, 5:57 am
Filed under: the underling, the woman growing down

I’VE BEEN CALLED A BLACKHOLE OF INTEREST once before, in one of my geology classes in college. my TA told me i had a way of taking everyone else off course around me, himself included, with a sidetracking ability i was unaware of possessing. it made another appearance the other night.

after my shift was over, i was told, very politely and respectfully, that i was sucking people out of their work and into my ramblings and that i ought naught speak for more than one to two minutes in any given stretch. again, this is very fair since, even though i had finished all my work, all the copy editors were still trying to read stories, i.e. do their job. and i was making that a bit difficult for them.

yup. i’m like a blackhole of attention spans, and my gravitational center pulling everyone’s attention into the dark depths is my amazingly powerful ADD. not only is it keeping me off task, but it is now knocking others off their attention-span axis. oops.

sometimes i feel like that 8-year-old girl sitting in Mrs. Chemers’ 2nd-grade class, when she would look at me and tell me to simmer down. i just hope the editor doesn’t make me work next to his desk. now that would be embarrassing.

sports design: the first adventure
July 11, 2010, 12:04 am
Filed under: the underling, Uncategorized

SO, I DESIGNED SPORTS THREE DAYS this week. Yeah, three. It was pretty awesome. I also got to design the front of the sports section on two pretty important days in the world of sports. Not important so much as hyped-up rather. Continue reading

designing A1
July 7, 2010, 2:28 am
Filed under: the underling

DESIGNING A1 IS A SLIGHTLY BIG DEAL, at least to me. my internship coordinator was asking me how it was going, telling me i need to work on my self-confidence and how i should avoid being known as “the weird intern.” she asked me if i thought my adviser would let me design A1 (the front page) sometime this summer. i replied that i hoped so. Continue reading

designing hampton roads
July 7, 2010, 2:17 am
Filed under: the underling

FOR THOSE OF YOU WHO DON’T KNOW, which i’m guessing is a good amount of you, hampton roads is the name of the local/metro section here at the pilot. for the first nine nights in a row (i worked nine days in a row for my first “week”) and every night since (except one), i have been in charge of designing and laying out the front of this section. Continue reading